Be a Part of the Future of Regents
We are excited to announce our capital campaign, Momentum: From Foundation to Future. Momentum means we are moving forward, but contained within Momentum is the word moment. It calls us to look back on our history, remember, recognize, and plant our feet firmly on the solid foundation built by the families who came before us.
There were many moments of generosity to get us to this point. It is now our moment to bless future generations. What we do over these next few years sets the trajectory of our school for the next 30 years.
Over the last 30 years, the history of Regents School of Austin has been made up of many moments. Our humble beginnings at local churches. Exploring the beautiful land where our campus currently sits. Parents volunteering their time to build the Science and Nature Center. Opening of the Rhetoric Building. Returning to campus during a pandemic. And many other incredible moments in between.
Regents is built on God’s grace and the generosity of His people. For over 30 years, families stepped out in faith and served our school to provide the campus, resources, and community that we have today. We are faithful to that foundation.
As we look to the future, we have an opportunity to bless the next generation of Regents families with our time, talents, and gifts. It is up to us to steward the resources God has given to move our mission forward as we look to the future of Regents.
Biblical Principles for Giving
Matthew 6:3-4
God rewards confidential giving
Luke 21:1-4
God values the posture of the giver’s heart more than the gift itself
Matthew 14.13-21
God can multiply gifts when given in faith